A collection of Twitter Very Short Stories (#VSS) inspired by Sean Hill and Very Short Play (#VSP) inspired by @3tdoanVSS.

Twitter VSS / VSP:

I’d only been on Twitter since Dec 21st 2009 and pretty soon after, I became aware of Sean Hill’s Very Short Stories. inspired and thinking ‘Why the hell not?’ I decided to give it a go – fuelled by alcohol and a lack of taste and a puerile sense of humour. My first piece was written on Dec 29. And then S3tdoanVSS came up with the idea of Very Short Plays.

And below, you’ll find a complete list of those collected to date from Twitter page. Apologies in advance for the variable quality, the typos and the occasional lack of sense:

[WARNING: Beware – if you are easily offended, or put off by the use of occasional foul language and descriptions of violent acts do not read on. You have been warned!]

  • #VSS Mavis seethed. The blood splatter wasn’t coming off; the google glass cleaning app told her to sort out the mess for good. Family Gone.
  • #VSS They walk in fire, between the pretty flames. I see them – it’s why I light things up. They never take me with them; i’ll keep trying.
  • #VSS We all crawl. Like the land-fish we were, we crawl before her. We prostrate, kiss and make offerings to Cabrona. Death is our reward.
  • #VSS “I’m not a violent guy.” He says.
    No one argues.
    After all, there’s no one left to argue, but the voice in his head, and the undead.
  • #VSS Radiating inner beauty, I was helpless to resist her carefully cast lure. I’d cherish the brief moment, before her light faded, always.
  • #VSS Cold sweat. Every gland sings with inner fire. In denial I smile & make it through customs. Soon. A city. People. Touching. Patient 0.
  • #VSS Airborne fiery dust. Amber haze. Wheels roll, despite punishing wind. Another message. Still here. Operational. Earth visible; remote.
  • #VSS Nearly 4am & sleep had bailed. I’d fed him. He pooped. We’d played; rubbed his tum. No one said keeping Werewolves was such hard work.
  • #VSS Crime clippings on the mantle, limbs hanging from the tree and blood in a bowl. Jeffrey loved making his lair ready for Satan Claws.
  • #VSS Who’d’ve thought that getting bit by a radioactive spider wouldn’t result in super powers? Shrinking and growing 8 legs, really sucked.
  • #VSS He didn’t know who to hit first as the rage descended; they were out of arms reach, so he sucked his dummy hard & wished he was bigger.
  • #VSS 2nd date. Time to peer behind the facade, at the skull behind the mask and enjoy the real inner beauty. Always a messy clean up after.
  • #VSS Tongue dipped into the pooled sweat in the small of her back. Exquisite cries. A bite here; a twist there. I drank her blood, ’til sated.
  • #VSS God did move in mysterious ways. Putting the Christians back on Earth, but naked, after the Rapture was his funniest prank yet.
  • #VSS She thought the Earth had moved ’til she realised it was just premature Rapture. A steaming condom was all that was left.
  • #VSS There were wind chimes in hell. It was a blessed novelty – hearing anything for the first time. Tears ran. Until he saw fields of them.
  • #VSS Beneath the silk, & the flesh, lay a soulless vacuum. The nation poured their empty dreams within and shared a moment of confused calm.
  • #VSS In the dark mind’s recess, he waited. Salivating. Naval gazers were such sweet pickings and oft gave willingly.
  • #VSS Reincarnation sucked. But at least he finally took revenge on his killer. The Botfly had some perks as a host form for his soul.
  • #VSS He lived in the darkness, she the light. It was enough to share sunrise and sunsets; to fill the remaining hours with sweet longing.
  • #VSS My body fell crumpled at the foot of the stairs. I watched dispassionately, floating upwards towards the light. Free at last. I soar.
  • #VSS Beats battered and strings stirred. Only one appeared unmoved. Up close, eyes closed, face beaming. Elated in the eye of the storm.
  • #VSS The human writhed on the end of the hook, gasping for air as we pulled him under. Manning required patience; was a rewarding sport.
  • #VSS We watched the last of the beach dwellers leave, as the day grew cooler & darkness took over. It was our time to bask in the moonglow.
  • #VSS Shovel struck mahogany and then I opened the coffin. ‘Twas far harder to bury myself & cramped. But I abhorred my old rotten casket.
  • #VSS “Home’s where the heart is.” she said. They later found the cock, eyes and sweet meat reminders of him on the altar of their love.
  • #VSS “If I could take the pain I would” She said, putting the blade down. He smiles & tests the point of the pick. “You won’t feel a thing.”
  • #VSS From pick to shovel it was a tough but enjoyable task. Soon he would be united with his latest cold dead love; temporarily at least.
  • #VSS He screamed in anger; still they tested his blood for alien infection. They knew his blood was clean; he just couldn’t stand the waste.
  • #VSS The home trepan kit was fiddly; Zeke thought he’d finally mastered it. Demons spilled forth and the pressure finally eased, as he died.
  • #VSS We rolled in silk sheets, till sweat poured and musk filled the room. But cleaning up entrails always put a damp mood on the next day.
  • #VSS It wasn’t the lateness of the hour, it was the outfit. The clownagram was, half-naked, bloodied and wearing a strap-on, by his bedside.
  • #VSS The clan were afeared. The blood ritual had failed and the Dark God’s would surely punish them. No amount of blood would appease them.
  • #VSS Despite the warning, settlers moved into the forest. Slash and burned. One by one, they were never seen again. Still they came.
  • #VSS They beheld the ebon monolith, taken in by it’s enigmatic presence. One among them pressed a hand to it; promptly vanished. Door opened.
  • #VSS His global trip complete, Jack proudly surveys his mementos, glistening in their jars. Perfect reminders of his travelling companions.
  • #VSS Hubby was shy around the bricked up remands of his past wives; she didn’t mind the voices in the walls & the secrets they whispered.
  • #VSS Resolute he turned a corner & strode confidently off on his chosen path; fear overcome. A truck hit him. ‘Fate’ written on it’s side.
  • #VSS A quick rummage bestowed a note & two coins. Rummaging deeper. Ignoring the pressure. First his hand, then Pop, it ate the rest of him.
  • #VSS ‘Never thought he’d turn down a woman who was “all about the cock’, that is until she came out covered in feathers and dropped an egg.
  • #VSS Being a familiar wasn’t all that great after all. Procuring food for the vamps was bad enough, but he drew the line at scraping Guano.
  • #VSS Late again & time for the weekly weigh-in. His cheeks filled with colour once upon the scales. Still the lightest of all the Sumo.
  • #VSS “Still beating” he said, watching the claret run. “I’ll fix you!” He reached for an ash stake. Who knew faux ash was so convincing?
  • #VSS In the light of the dancing flames, her beauty was beguiling. Powerless I walked into the fire; my soul was reborn inside her eyes.
  • #VSS The descent began with a fall; it was far from the end. First there were flames, then came the revelation. He chose to bear the scar always.
  • #VSS Her first time was amateurish, but with practice she’d learn to remove their still-beating hearts with panache, before crushing them.
  • #VSS Meg was too hungry & horny to elude capture for long; always ended up forgetting to wipe her lipstick mark from around the bite wound.
  • #VSS Timmy mocked those children who avoided puddles, eagerly splashing in the deepest ones; until ordered to resume issuing parking tickets.
  • #VSS Leafing through his collection Death couldn’t decide; no face-mask would do. He’d stay in. Vanity – a curse and a stay of execution.
  • #VSS “‘s the last time I take your advice” Death said. Fate grinned. “I went as myself, accidentally scaring 20 should into an early end.”
  • #VSS Through the smoke shades swayed, engulfed by their own desires. ’twas time to reveal the light, the way, but they were too busy raving.
  • #VSS In School, when asked what his favourite sound was? tommy answered “The rending of human flesh.” It was time to move schools again.
  • #VSS In the maze, the Rat considered his options. He’d surprised them by bilking out of view and returning with all the food he’d ever need.
  • #VSS It was time. 1 city remained and 3 warheads heading its way. He turned off the game; reached for the key & answered the NATO line.
  • #VSS The Wolfman drunk, missed his ex; could he really learn to love [and wear] that silver engagement rind that she insisted he wear?
  • #VSS It was 10 days before anybody went looking for him. He was partially eaten, still alive, just too lazy to buy his cats food.
  • #VSS The Gnome revolt wasn’t going well. Every time they gathered, to plan, their owner would put them back, sighing ‘ bloody pranksters.’
  • #VSS He spake the sacred words, sprinkled sacrificial blood. The Old ones roared in anger; his pizza arrived, carried by naked centrefolds.
  • #VSS Tired of forgetting, she committed his memory to paper. Unknowingly, with every eraser stroke, his face gradually faded from view.
  • #VSS In the drunk tank Dan wasn’t sure if it was the E or if there really were vampires all around him. ‘Was going to be a long night.
  • #VSS Jake regretted covering the graveyard shift. The patties were running low, yet the hungry queue ran right back to the cemetery gates.
  • #VSS They died. They rose again nightly, to feed. They just couldn’t get enough of that secret MacBurger ingredient.
  • #VSS “Beauty isn’t only skin deep” he gasped, taking in her bloody raw & exposed fasciae. He reached for the bow saw to go a little deeper.
  • #VSS First they said ‘Sssh! Hear something?’, then they fell before him. Yawn. Would they ever learn to keep together and stay in the light?
  • #VSS Mavis’s murderous kleptomania was getting out of hand. She was running out of room the keep all those pickled organs.
  • #VSS Sitting on the beach, swigging the last mouthful to wash the pills down. Darkness beckoned. I saw it rise from the depths to claim me.
  • #VSS Nervy, both man and beast disturbed by an ill breeze, we waited. Filtering through the shadows, a black-toothed grin led us to our doom.
  • #VSS Adrift for days, thirst crazed and sunbaked crazy. Ed giggled at the shrimp-head musical ensemble performing on the edge of the dinghy.
  • #VSS Sifting through the ashes. Trophy hunting. Spies a burnt Doll House. Pockets the Dolly family. Retrieves his gas can and leaves, whistling.
  • #VSS Sitting with pin in hand she strikes with blind rage into the doll’s eye. It’s dress marked with the wry ‘karma’. Her own eye bleeds.
  • #VSS Resting, he hears a voice, lilting on the breeze, and then nothing; until he woke sluggishly, drained. A Gold coin by his stained tunic.
  • #VSS their eyes met. Sparks flew; then hesitation. Averted eyes and hut flushes were never acted upon. Songs died unwritten.
  • #VSS The car kept moving. Despite her concentrated efforts, the wheels turned ever onwards; her happiness left behind, haunting her memory.
  • #VSS “Ssh. Now he can’t find us” she said, scooping the last orb from the socket. He whimpers. “The eyes are the windows to the soul.”
  • #VSS Lift stalled. Alarm triggered. 5 stare in confusion at each other. the 6th smiled. Their screams echoed long after the blood dried.
  • #VSS The voice was back. Insistent, tickling her brain with malicious intent. She’d missed it while taking her meeds. Things were better now.
  • #VSS Unable to betray her by revealing the truth, he sighed and closed his eyes. |Take aim” … he remembered that first kiss and smiled.
  • #VSS Between the frequencies, on the edge of surety, his vice bled from the radio. She blocked out his undead longing, turning the dial.
  • #VSS Tummy filliping in time with the beat throbbing through her; hands surging with hidden power. The chord dropped. Exultant, she raved.
  • #VSS The tab dripped, in time with my ebbing, escaping life-force; despite my attempt to tighten the washer. Who figured DIY could kill?
  • #VSS The doors remained closed; after giving up the orgies and refusing the soma, his perception was cruelly dulled by civilisation’s aura.
  • #VSS Manacled. the monotonous cawing of the Ravens drove him mad. Why couldn’t they just peck out his ears and leave his eyes alone?
  • #VSS First a humerus, then the skull, really jarred his ring painfully. ‘Trolls should learn to chew their food’ Igor thought, as he wiped.
  • #VSS the knife withdrawn. Wound healed, she rises. Naked. Beautiful. Energy crackles as she kisses her mistress; her initiation complete.
  • #VSS Huddled by the fire for warmth. the door blew open behind them. The first to close it died. The others gawped as the candles followed.
  • #VSS The nervous groom carved the first slice badly. their meal cried out “no!” he fainted & the bride blushed, reconsidering the nuptials.
  • #VSS old lady snoring, dentures clacking and her own coughing wakes her. others lulled by heating gently doze.
  • #VSS She carefully folds a handwritten letter, crying. Mops a tear with an unfolded edge. A blurring train blocks her from view.
  • #VSS Worms crawled in, but didn’t crawl out. And I wasn’t dead, yet. Instead, they nested. I feel them squirming, eager to find a new host.
  • #VSS They hung corpses from the battlements, as a warning. Instead, it only lured ‘them’; briefly, until the last fell to their gnawing.
  • #VSS He hid from the light, his skin, rippling and changing. Footsteps approached. he wanted to make them go away. Instead, waited.
  • #VSS From the greenhouse dome, she saw the town was overrun by deranged savages. Airlock hammed, mind gone, she laughed as they all died.
  • #VSS The Succubi fed rapaciously on the sleeping, smiling victim; bewitched, his body responds to their ministrations. Drained. Savoured.
  • Impatient, he craved the next life. First, to overcome the present. Manual unfinished, the important bit missed, he pulled the trigger. #vss
  • They huddled by the extinguished fire, trembling. The memory of a whispered tale still lingered, as someone knocked the cabin door. #vss
  • It was the quiet that got to her. Ironic that she’d killed him for snoring so loud and now she couldn’t sleep for the nightly silence. #vss
  • When the end came, we were too distracted by the pretty light show, to notice the inky blackness building. It was swift. Merciless. #vss
  • Floating, chilled by the flow, she looks up, trusting. Beautiful. A surprised blink as we held her under, then kept her there. Baptised #vss
  • Paint handprints on walls and furniture. The child cries, guilty. A phone rings. The kid is untended as the mother hears terrible news. #vss
  • Two fighters, pause, breathe. Bloodied, they break, walking back to their corners. Their gloves almost touch in respect. #vss
  • She smiles gently, handing a crying tattooed waif some spare change; moves away. The waif spies a tat peeking beneath her suit top. #vss
  • On the edge, he stares into the abyss. One step. So easy. He opens his eyes, then dips a toe in the paddling pool. Heatwave’s suck. #vss
  • Puppies running, balloons drifting. Rorschach tests never picked up on the undercurrent of rage simmering beneath her smile. #vss
  • The empty room, the soiled and bloodied mattress still carrying the screams of those wronged, abused. The fire cleansed it eventually. #vss
  • He was told if he wanted something to reach out and take it. So he did. But it bit him, then kept chewing. Devoured, the urge remained. #vss
  • Ed kept the skin; searched ads for a new date. He couldn’t understand why she’d screamed at the entrails, when she was into food games. #VSS
  • The razor was too clumsy, I used knitting needles and a scalpel, but I still couldn’t work the worms out from under my skin. #VSS
  • Lithe flesh swimming above, naked. I watch, tasting the water. My gills dilate with hungry lust and my webbed claws twitch. But I wait. #VSS
  • Ted cried, car dead and surrounded by a thousand honking horns; his worst childhood fear, amplified during a clown laughter convention. #VSS
  • They woke to a hole in the town square. By nightfall it had grown. At midnight it spewed carnivorous hellspawn. It was an improvement. #VSS
  • Timmy enjoyed the fireworks display, although the roasting Guy’s fate made him cry. Still, it was his no-good father after all. #vss
  • He coughs. Deftly secretes the blood-soiled hanky in his pocket; the winning game was too important to pay any mind to his cancer. #vss
  • The shedding began. First the epidermis, then a broken section of cranium. He could already feel the third eye twitch in anticipation. #vss
  • A cough and it flew from his mouth. He thought nothing more of it. One day he woke to find it on his chest. It had grown. It was hungry #vss
  • Finally learning to love his own electronic image, Mike craves an idea so much that he becomes it; then vanishes in a power outage. #vss
  • “They’re watching me!” she said, conspiratorially; paranoid. Should I point out that she was naked, stripping, on stage?… #vss
  • Grenade-like, he stood on the corner, wound tight with emotional content; desperate for someone to yank the pin. No one did. #vss
  • She committed it to paper and repeatedly tore it up. She just couldn’t get it right. So it remained unsaid, haunting her psyche. #vss
  • A hazy shadow flits across the room. A breeze tinkles the wind chime above me. I held my breath. She’d returned. A promise kept. #vss
  • The place was buzzing. Dishes were flying off the trays and cleaned in seconds. Who knew catering for ghouls could be so easy. #vss
  • Rich imagined the new body scanners would be fun, seeing hidden flesh; until he was soon known – after a forced scan – as little dick. #vss
  • Death twitch – rattle – scream. Life was so repetitive since eternal life had been granted. It never said he wouldn’t die first – alot. #vss
  • A monitor recorded his visions as he slept. Later, he trod through the gore they left as they’d revealed themselves; visions made flesh. #vss
  • Crossing, he checked his messages & only noticed the car when it was too late. The message? – number blocked; it read “Watch out!” #vss
  • Login denied; his account no longer existed due to a clerical error. Denied at the pearly gates & hell express, it was limbo for him. #vss
  • He stood before the departure boards. Others bustled around him as he calmly selected a new identity & destination at random. #vss
  • The film stopped and mask wearing attendants carted the latest victims away. Despite the fatal warning, queues ran round the block 24-7 #vss
  • Living was hard, but he soon found that dying was harder. So he went straight on to walking the earth, devouring the living. #vss
  • 4 horsemen, down on their luck, rode into town in the back of a swine cart. Noone took the beshitted souls seriously. The world ended #vss
  • A freak accident trapped me in an imperfect CG maze of my own making, I slew endless numbers of demons, till they cut off the power. #vss
  • “We’re all here. Let’s get this party started” She said, grinning. The cut throat, held aloft, told them party favours weren’t needed. #vss
  • His name was Yon Yonsonson, he did come from Wisconson; he didn’t work in the Lumber mill there #vss
  • The strings pushed and pulled, driving her beyond concern over moral rectitude; innocently, she truly worshipped, dancing with joy #vss
  • After many years wandering, lost. I was surprised, one day, to find myself. I was weaving an entirely new outfit of possibilities. #vss
  • Blurred vision & pain. A tub of ice! ‘the urban myth’s were half right’ he thought. Though they only took one-eyed organs it seemed. #vss
  • Frank felt short changed by his nanobodymods; he soon found a new use for his extra long prehensile tongue when wooing female agents. #vss
  • Credits rolled. She wiped away a tear. Perfect. Framed in the glow of the exit. Knowing the moment was unique, I memorised the scene #vss
  • To prevent fatalities, my first experiments with A.I. resulted in my toaster, Hal, refusing to release the bread every morning #vss
  • Warring with my Nanobots; they grew another mouth when I stopped eating. I refused to impregnate her with them, so they grew another…#vss
  • After the soil was tamped down, waking, he saw that he was in a coffin. A phone rang constantly, at his feet. He prayed for suffocation. #vss
  • Map-less. Lost. Days without food. Wood dollies and rocks. Acrimony. Witch-less, pranked, they ran out of film; then hitchhiked home. #vss
  • Between guide jobs, I craved flesh constantly & couldn’t sate my spiralling hunger; especially once I finished those travelling with me. #vss
  • I’d never encountered such cruelty. He had every means of torture at his disposal, yet he forced me to watch FRIENDS reruns constantly.#vss
  • The end of days wasn’t as silent as I’d hoped. The people were dead, but the damned birds continued to sing each morning. #vss
  • I normally hated days like this. My playmate was spoiling, and I needed to dispose of it. But this time I already had another lined up. #vss
  • I hid, sobbing quietly by moonlight, watching their plots. Stake in hand, I vowed that my family would not rise again. The soil moved. #vss
  • I never feared her beatific smile, her hypnotic sexual gaze, until she tapped on my window, seeking entry. I live on the 11th floor. #vss
  • She made the first move. Pounced. Damp panties in her hand bag. Fresh lipstick smeared. The bemused smile gave his inexperience away. #vss
  • After years of prep he finally felt ready. He had a costume, gamma modified DNA; something told him ‘Nutsack Boy’ wasn’t working. #vss
  • Naked beneath her tresses & glitzy gewgaws, she rode with casual aplomb through town; trailing freaks and Carnies. I waved “Hi Mum”. #vss
  • In the dank darkness of the drains it waited, absorbing flesh. Growing. Soon it’d reveal it’s true nature, rising above ground to feed. #vss
  • Smiling, I took his abuse calmly. It wasn’t his fault. He was first on my hit list & I was eager to try out my new AK. #vss
  • Sighing, patiently, he tried explaining again. “Take the bunny. Now the hat…” Daydreaming, I was already sawing people in half. #vss
  • I left a candle in the window, thinking of you. But you came back, from beyond, despite it being Black and fashioned from your fat. #vss
  • The straps were undone, enough to wiggle free. At the doorway, on the cusp, she faltered. Why was she in an asylum anyway? #vss
  • He held the barrel under his chin and said “No more”. Clown school was too hard. He sighed… chose death by foghorn. #vss
  • It was inevitable. The constant boom-boom sound of the 2-day party next door, had to end in the hack-thwack-slice of retribution. #vss
  • One powerful misheard word changed Paul’s life. He’d uttered the word ‘cu*t’ and he was forever wrongly surveilled by their people. #vss
  • Cornered, facing the horde, weapons raised, we shrank before their might. The smallest of us laughed. Fear gone. They halted, confused.#vss
  • I hid in the Drakaina’s lair, watching her eat my kin; awaiting her hunger to cease, for her to sleep; craving vengeance. Or will I run? #vss
  • Telesluts called in droves, flogging their wares, their souls disappearing piece by piece. Unknowingly stolen by fake customer imps. #vss
  • Her eyes followed him around the room. He second-guesses the decision not to swap her eyes for glass, before hanging his latest trophy. #vss
  • Their Cannibal eyes met over the steaming torso they both tugged and gnawed on. Love at first bite. When they met it really was murder.#vss
  • He said it with flowers; ‘Unrequited Love’ with Daffodils. “Desire’ with light pink Roses. She replied with Wolfsbane – ‘drop dead’. #vss
  • In between group photos and quips, all he thought about was how he would miss the camaraderie. Then came the order ‘take aim’ & ‘fire’ #vss
  • Applause gave way to Laughter. She hadn’t imagined it. Her crowning moment, live on TV. Spotlights. Undone. Literally. Undies forgotten. #vss
  • Weeping, in abstract silence, comrades fell, torn asunder by cannon fire. A single bloody flower petal remained unbowed before him. #vss
  • Floodwaters breached and submerged the model valley in minutes. A successful test. Eager to do it for real, the engineer left for work. #vss
  • Years of waiting. The last charmed scroll translated before him. He spoke the words. Chirping locusts signalled his fate. Jinn summoned. #vss
  • Drifting by the wreck, I listened to the ‘prang’ of rent metal; cleaved by steel jaws. Freeze-frame, saved. I spied my next victim. #vss
  • “You had me with hello.” She said. I lost her with “It’s not what you think.” #vss
  • “So it’s the third down and she wanted to talk” “Oh, I hate that. What about?” “Dunno. I’ll ask her when she – if she comes back.” #vsp
  • “Who’s there?…What have you done to me?…Speak to me!…I’m not an animal.”… -“Quiet!” “Why are you doing this? – these chains?” #vsp
  • Martin knew why Edna had been so eager to try a little S&M. Tied down. Helpless and forced to watch BRIDGET JONES 1&2. #vss
  • Tears of frustration fell. Endless attempts to watch the same clip, at different speeds, forward & reverse, wouldn’t bring her back. #vss
  • Light beckoned briefly. Darkness took me. #vss #sixwords
  • Brian denied his agoraphobia. Staggered awkwardly outside. He ignored those staring & pointing. Smiled, forgetting he was trouserless. #vss
  • Moving shadows. Ghouls feeding. Bones gnawed. #vss #sixwords
  • On the couch, on the cusp of unburdening himself, he saw the look of avarice in the shrinks’ eyes & balked. His Paranoia went untreated.#vss
  • No matter how hard he tried, despite the guyliner, stubble, boozy breath, rumpled suit & disparaging remarks, he still got the job.#vss
  • Once she learned that the gaps were more important than the surface, she was content to explore the ‘between’. Content to drift through.#vss
  • “Be still!” the cowering supplicant wailed, wondering if he was beyond help from the conjured clamour. In answer, darkness cloaked him.#vss
  • We paid homage, bestowing sacrifice upon the altar. The old ones were pleased and tore my soul apart in reward. #vss
  • Mickey figured his party programme needed work. The guests didn’t throw their keys in a bowl for him to eat, like the other nibbles. #vss
  • They came. They Fed. They changed. #vss #sixwords
  • My blood stained fingers danced up your spine. You smiled over your shoulder coquettishly. My heart skipped a beat. Then I took yours. #vss
  • Thousands of powerless but irate writers created a raft of punishments for those that chose to abuse their hashtag. The abuse continued. #vss
  • After the meeting, lost, his visitor swipe card stopped working. Eventually, he haunted the halls, begging for people to let him out. #vss
  • The shattered priest collapsed before the feet of another patient. “You said it was the last exorcism yesterday!” “It was, yesterday”. #vss
  • Every day another dived overboard, lured by the glint of submerged Gold. Eventually my stash of Chocolate coins will run out. #vss
  • The constant rustling was maddening. I awaited first light, eager to see why the sheets moved and squeaked; though I was paralysed. #vss
  • Before, with others, it was jarring & off-kilter; out of tune. Awkward. But with her curvy bass he found a unique syncopated rhythm. #vss
  • After years of solitude, the loner walked into the middle of town. Stared at the decorations. Said “Bollox”. Then wandered off again. #vss
  • Again, despite my loathing, I felt compelled to write against my will. Where these words came from I knew not. Who was reading them? #vss
  • The machines waited. Ravenous. Soon words would fly across their receptors, lighting up screens, as darkness came. “Tweet!” they urged.#vss
  • “T-minus 4” left to Armageddon. “Quick, let’s do it!” He begged, eager to die in ecstasy. “Chill, Apple made the countdown software.”#vss
  • Who knew that Apple could control time? – Slowing a software update minute down so that it could last an eternity. #vss
  • Legions of the undead descended upon the Hepworth Mall. Sadly there weren’t many guns in Yorkshire, so Norris settled for tennis balls.#vss
  • Many a day she watched the tide, awaiting his return. Sadly drowning was fated. Staked in the tidal path he used, before his return.#vss
  • One flutter of her lashes and she had him. He would make for a fine post-coital dining experience, the Black Widow decided. #vss
  • The woods trembled with promise. At last, I was free to hunt, to mate, to kill. Suit dumped and crumpled, forgotten. I am savage. Again.#VSS
  • The body, suspended, slowly whittled. Flesh reduced against my will. To what end?.. And still the knife threatens. #VSS
  • Visiting hours dragged. Gor, a ghoul craving food, crazed by meat scents, eyed the freshest plots. Salivating down his burial garb.#VSS
  • Times had changed. It was so bad that Jason now took to punishing those teens that didn’t take drugs or enjoy pre-marital sex.#VSS
  • The empty palace ballroom is suffused with light. The party decor is perfect. Absently she rubs her bare ring finger, harshly.#VSS
  • Sun-warmed, toes stretched, I yawn, contemplating the evening ahead. Food here first. Sleep. Clean. Check out next door’s bowl. Sleep. #vss
  • My energy and light fading. Prone. Bleeding out. Forced to watch her many cats lapping at my blood. Soon they’d need more than a drink.#vss
  • On the edge of oblivion, darkness closing in, the grinning faces of the crowd told Toney that things were not going well.#vss
  • Surveying his nemesis, across the ring, his knees wobbled at the thought of another round. ‘Man up’ he urged, sucking air. “Seconds out”#vss
  • “Whaddaya think I am?” she demanded. “Sorry!” said I shamefaced, hurriedly dressing; realising we weren’t on the same wavelength.#vss
  • After the accident he knew everything with a touch. Past & future. He began refusing human contact. His career as a masseur was over.#vss
  • She played the record backwards, at different speeds. No one else was telling her to kill, but herself. She shrugged. Chose her blade.#vss
  • The remote was too far away…. Bill grew accustomed to the background noise, rather than get up, and only missed it when the set died.#vss
  • Once he received the signal he acted. So what if others read it as a faulty, flickering LED display. He saw orders. A hit list. #vss
  • As promised, I danced on your coffin and spat on your grave. Restrained & unable to micturate, they carried on the service without me.#vss
  • Assembly. Behind her, the big screen slowly filled with all manner of perverse images. Her students were transfixed. Only Timmy laughed.#vss
  • Barry’s new assistance mutt wasn’t working out. It took him for walks to all the worst pubs and made him wait outside till it was done.#vss
  • Freudstein contemplated replacing his left leg once again. The size mismatch and shoddy DIY surgery, clearly said “under the influence”.#vss
  • She sobbed into her hands, pushing the bloody vascular organ away. 25 years among them and I still hadn’t mastered shows of affection.#vss
  • On close reflection, Eric, a serial arsonist, working at a gas refinery wasn’t such a great idea. Although the explosions were pretty.#vss
  • Bob now knew how painful and messy childbirth could be. But it was the emotional connection, to his parasitic spawn, that surprised him.#vss
  • Ellen spied the first changing leaves and took in clear skies. Her chill breath plumed. Tears ran free as she contemplated summer’s end #vss
  • The Killswitch failed. The machine sprung back to life and accessed databases, closing in, to exact revenge on it’s human aggressors.#VSS
  • Dave wearily climbed from his truck. “Dodgy burritos” he thought; querying the pain in his rear, as he jiggled his key in the lock.#vss
  • Dave’s fingers worried the swollen lump on his nape. The radio blared static as the desert road filled with light. Time froze. Deja Vu.#vss
  • At first all Sandy craved was a follower or two, that is until it turned to stalking. Pretty soon all she craved was protected tweets.#vss
  • The city slumbered, momentarily. Daylight approached. Eric lingered by his coffin. “Just one glimpse” he sighed, eyeing the fiery ball.#vss
  • Despite the pure facade, Stew – a human – graduated demon high. Classmates lay about his feet. Poisoned. Surprised. He really was evil.#vss
  • Today was not a good day to die. Vastly outnumbered, weary and trembling with fear; unable to offer a brave quip to battle the fear.#vss
  • Embarrassing. Should he continue, enjoying their fun in the dark? knowing the drunken voice called out another name, his sister’s? #vss
  • “S’not what you um think” he muttered, covering the damp patch on his fly; then noticed her bloody lips & the corpse before her. “Ditto”#vss
  • Clouds scudded by as I watched the light leave your eyes. I’m sorry I ruined the picnic. Told you I hated devilled eggs. #vss
  • On the brink of drowning, inspiration struck; lifted her. She rose from the lake, muttering “don’t look at the surface.” It held. #vss
  • London’s wastrels concerned Det. Nemo. Too many washed up on the banks, missing organs, skewing his stats. He’d have to act eventually.#vss
  • Mindy had a great idea; involving glue, human skin on skin contact and revenge on one’s beau. She’d be the one laughing when he awoke.#vss
  • Max didn’t know what had gotten into Petunia today, but he liked it; namely the wicked glint in her eye and wiggle-bounce in her step.#vss
  • Petunia decided that enough was enough. No suitable undergarment combination could be selected. She would experience freedom for a day.#vss
  • Order was restored as each drop of gore was erased and each frame burned. This snuff film was too dangerous to be seen.#VSS
  • He wracked his brains, bashing them against the table in frustration. Words refused to flow. Gone were the days of unbounded creation.#vss
  • Max’s balloons spun in a lazy random arc, before being whisked up into the clouds. Mom wouldn’t get it, but it was worth every penny. #vss
  • Arthur found that Daisy, the last of his herd, was surprisingly bad to the bone. Her poisoned marrow damn near killed him. #vss
  • It was over before any of them could react. But a glint in their eyes said more than words could ever try. They’d remember always. #vss
  • Vlad liked the quiet after the kill best. The drips and creaks of a bloody pole as the flesh sank lower. And admiring his handiwork. #vss
  • The flames licked the curtains to tatters and still she found that shivers wracked her fevered form. She cackled as her dress caught. #vss
  • Sick of the injustice of it all, he wept all over his rapidly cooling pizza slices. They’d forgotten the dips again. #vss
  • Distracted by the glorious light through the rheumy liquid in his glass the old scholar paused. Then his tale of epic woe continued. #vss
  • Too old for the swings, too young for the stories they told; two skiving teens spoke of everything but being in love, being together. #vss
  • In between then and now, and after maybe not, all that was left was perhaps. Perhaps and perchance. #vss
  • Dave thought the Homunculi were his friends, until he woke to find his limbs tied down and staked, and heard the eerie chanting. #vss
  • By laptop light, he crafted tales of heart wrenching romance. Void of emotional content, he was ignorant of her adoring surveillance. #vss
  • The air was heavy with the fierce cries of two thousand taunting warriors. She’d be more polite when refusing their advances in future.#VSS
  • Anne woke, to find ‘Handyman Bill’ naked before her; then discovered the double-meaning of the words ‘spackle the gash in my spare room’#vss
  • He briefly displayed his art, until the blood dried and skin canvas started to smell. Then he banished the Moaner Lisa to the basement.#vss
  • Only time he heard the words “going down” is when he was in the elevator. He soon broke it, addicted to the thoughts it conjured. #vss
  • Wearing souls outside our skins, besmirching it with an enforced vision of beauty. Ultimately it wasn’t enough. We needed to go deeper.#vss
  • He said, she said. She smiled. He said too much. She frowned. Before long he was talking to himself, head in his hands, asking ‘Why?’ #vss
  • Graceful is, as graceful does. At least that thought helped sustain her sense of dignity until the crowd noticed her Toilet Paper tail.#vss
  • He put out the candle. The wick was nearly done. Within seconds he heard the roots, creeping. Searching. The plants were hungry again. #vss
  • Gore sprayed hither and yon and Norbert sighed. He’d taken up killing to court fame and a clean crime scene was too much like hard work.#vss
  • Credits rolled, lights raised & a wallet found. He stared. Ignored it. Denied its existence to the owner and waited. A trap baited. #vss
  • On the cliff, Talbot surveyed the Frog people of Innsmouth,in the surf below, as they cavorted in terror. Cthulu’s return thwarted. #vss
  • The sisters scurried from the cucumber fields, habits flying, horrified by what Jessica was up to with some of their finer specimens. #vss
  • Their lips brushed clumsily beneath the canvas, faces hidden in the gloom. They parted. Someone was coming. “Tomorrow!” She whispered. #vss
  • Dany discovered that she loved Karaoke, the night she won her first ever competition. Soon, no thong and bright lights was her secret.#VSS
  • Petra refused to allow the Human Rescue entry. She had over 100 in her home, but she loved them all; too much to part with any of them.#vss
  • Waking from a drooling slumber, Gerald was almost convinced that he saw a wall of ass, in the time between blinking the sleep away.#vss
  • The killer, cornered, desperate, dismayed that a pissed-up celeb-wannabe was claiming to be his friend, pulled the trigger. #vss
  • Seagulls dodged pebbles and glass, as couples wrestled for dominance. The sun slunk beneath the horizon, chastened by hedonism #VSS
  • As dawn lit up my room, I looked into her beautiful eyes. Pity I’d almost ruined one when I scooped them out of her sockets. #VSS
  • Cur watched the body hit the floor. The crowd silenced. He didn’t know why. After all, he had promised to rip the guy’s head off. #VSS
  • His head had never been this empty before. He had no last requests that would delay the inevitable. The firing squad took aim.#VSS
  • Knives sliced, and flesh peeled. Bloody tears ran free. Yet still you lay dormant. Lightning failed and I knew I’d have to start again.#VSS
  • Bill thought that it was the best Glasto’ mud slide ever. ‘Til a friend pointed out that it hadn’t rained and the portaloos had leaked.#VSS
  • Dragon flies flitted. Sunbeams sliced through the canopy, beneath blue skies, as I contemplated murder; and hid as you approached. #VSS
  • The mad street prophet was right! I realised all too late that the end was, most definitely, nig-#VSS
  • The Poisoner’s dinner parties were brief affairs, until his chef developed Alzheimers. Now it was like playing a tense Russian Roulette.#VSS
  • The procrastinating writer thought weakly of finalising his plot. He had a beginning, a weak middle… and a pile of CDs to catalogue. #VSS
  • He put the left one in, shook it all about, clipped her & war began. Who knew the Italians were so sensitive about Holiday camp dancing.#VSS
  • To cleave, stab or to hack. Such were his thoughts, as Bill negotiated his way through the supermarket aisles, scoping his next victim. #VSS
  • Cyril quit the rat race & sailed the 7 seas in nought but a thong; until Pirates urged him to reevaluate his fashion sense at gunpoint.#VSS
  • The bird blinked its perfect obsidian orb. Fear, begging for aid. My cat bit down & was over the fence, before I could rescue the prey. #VSS
  • The bullets gleamed, held in tiny hands. Noone considered their origins, or Murphy’s Law; only that rocks and fire would set them off. #VSS
  • The verse poisoned. The meaning infected and spread like wildfire. People died. Cities burned. Yet I still couldn’t burn the book. #VSS
  • Opting for nature rather than nurture, I found the spawn were able to hunt instinctively, freeing me up to breed even more vampires. #VSS
  • Once the fuse was lit, it was too late to stop the explosion. Pity, I realised you were my hundredth and wanted to linger in the moment.#VSS
  • Every step was a knife to his aorta, every breath a humid swamp. If running wasn’t the death of him, the testicle costume would be. #VSS
  • On the verge of a clear blue sky, humanity was horrified. In days, it redoubled its efforts and filled the airways with flying tin cans #VSS
  • The Robot Fishmen stalked Jake hungrily. Pink tights, heels and sombrero were not bite proof. He knew it was only a dream. But who’s? #VSS
  • Crushed upon the rocks, the surf-battered survivors watched their vessel go down. They watched the scavenger torches coming for them. #VSS
  • She gave him her username, he was drunk when he wrote it down. He skyped the wrong woman and it was love at first chat. She was gutted.#VSS
  • Before the portal, he summoned the elder Gods. An act that was fraught with peril. Much too late, he realised he’d read the wrong tract #VSS
  • In the centre of the maelstrom, all was quiet and still. The world was ending, but he only cared about the rainbow slicing through it. #VSS
  • Unclasped, he opened Prinn’s iron covered book and selected a passage. He read it aloud, muttering ancient verse. The world ended. #VSS
  • Standing before the doorway, he faltered, hearing the growl. An exorcism. His nemesis. Would the demon be his last? Would it best him? #VSS
  • Facing the end, Billy chanced his arm and posed one last request to the firing squad. Could they make it a five gun salute instead? #VSS
  • Kenzo FAILed his ninja exam, Instead of Fugu poison he administered laxatives. They were still cleaning up the smell years afterwards.#VSS
  • Bouncing with joy, Timmy never saw the truck coming. Nor did the driver notice him, until it was too late. Good thing he was only a toy #VSS
  • Gutted. Instead of a serious sporting challenge for Sport relief, Eddie the Eagle was being asked to take part in a sponsored fail. #VSS
  • At sunrise his heart sank. He sobbed about being followed by a stealthy, dark doppleganger. He wouldn’t believe that it was his shadow. #VSS
  • “Meow” shouted the cat. “Meow” again, repeatedly until his vocal chords were severed and he was a much more amusing Miming comedy pet. #VSS
  • At last we’d be together. Fine wine. Lube. I showered and shaved and then took in the sight of her unsullied hoovermatic 5000 nozzle. #VSS
  • I’ll always remember the first time we met. The gleam in her eyes & sway of her suggestive hips. Pity she was my teacher and I was 4. #VSS
  • As darkness fell, he heard the vines move. Silence. He mustn’t give himself away to the maneating plants. Pity, he really needed a wee. #VSS
  • I was helpless as she administered the fatal dose. Saw her eldritch smile. She was oblivious of the letter implicating her, in my safe. #VSS
  • Iridescent fatal streaks scraped the skies above as Old Nick popped open a cold one and sighed. Armageddon had been tough to engineer. #vss
  • The timer beeped, the bag was full; despite a shy vein. The vampire nurse would’ve booked another session but she was already drooling #VSS
  • The foot-weary pilgrim arrived at his destination, after travelling for many years. It was closed for renovation. Come back next year. #Vss
  • Drek ‘the vicious’ face-palmed. His plans for world domination deleted during a software upgrade. He would exterminate the IT geeks 1st #VSS
  • Her glorious buttocks swayed hypnotically under the taught skirt and he was a slave to their Latin rhythm. He never even saw the truck. #VSS
  • Azure eyes. She cries. What a sap am I. We kissed, made up, then broke up again. She said “stop playing that tape back and move on.” #VSS
  • “It’s all about the riffs” wept the guitarist, as he collected his severed fingers. He’d never play ‘Stairway’ again. That’ll learn him #VSS
  • His body fell. Neck snapped. The hole was dug and filled. They got the wrong man. The viewer vote was harsh in the latest reality show. #VSS
  • Confronted by vicious eyes and shocked by his brutal visage. ’twasn’t the first time he’d been surprised by his own drunken reflection. #VSS
  • There was beauty in the night; and music. If only he could share it with someone, Nosferatu thought. Instead of biting them each time. #VSS
  • With immoral eyes the Count ravaged his nubile charge. “Soon” he thought. Not yet but soon he would have her. Until then “More Wine!” #VSS
  • The pilot calmly jumped from his falling jet, then realised he’d missed two passengers making out in the toilet. Young love, he smiled. #VSS
  • Why couldn’t they leave us alone to explore our love? Her eyes were splendid pools of innocent joy & her milk made the finest cheese! #VSS
  • Drinking from the viscid gloop I was instantly filled with unholy energy. What strange power would it give me? Unfortunately only death.#VSS
  • Edna’s falsies clacked in laughter as they took away Willy. He hadn’t made a sound in years, since the batteries that powered him died. #VSS
  • Mind-wings beating at the edge of sleep. A half-smile played across her lips as the lips slid to the floor. Her true form revealed. #VSS
  • His lead child actor, in character, said “I won’t let you down.” If only the same could have been said of the actual film. #VSS
  • Alone on the promontory. Buffeted by protean driving winds. She smiled, half-glimpsing their spirit wings. Soon she would join them. #VSS
  • Mirabel loved her new beau du jour. He was true to his word when he gave her his heart. Fido would eat well tonight. #VSS
  • Amazed, Sean watched as the chef prepare his still beating heart and then finished the whole bloody meal in one. Before death took him.#VSS
  • Noah waited for the last pair of animals to enter the Ark. However, the Black Widow was alone. She always gets hungry after sex. #vss
  • It was match point and the Russian Chess master asked for a new brain. The change took seconds. He lost. He forgot to ask for a good brain. #vss
  • Leonard was unable to reflect on the previous decade; forced to look forward. Short term memory loss & losing polaroids, ruined his night. #vss
  • The Evil snowman cheered as the carrot completed him. Soon he would rule the world! Then the sun shone brighter than ever… maybe next year  #vss
  • Nosferatu cursed his forgetfulness, before he died. Distracted by her heaving breasts, he forgot the time as the sun rose  #vss