MR CLEAN movie

MR CLEAN poster with latest Fest selections and awards
MR CLEAN poster with latest Fest selections and awards

Someone is breaking into empty homes and cleaning them.

But is this seemingly harmless crime hiding something much worse? 

Sometimes cleanliness isn’t next to Godliness, it can kill you – and hide the evidence. A Radio DJ must realise the unspoken danger behind these seemingly random acts of breaking-in and cleaning before she too becomes a victim of MR CLEAN…


MR CLEAN poster with latest Fest selections and awards
MR CLEAN poster with latest Fest selections and awards

An award winning short horror film – The 1st part in a planned web series.

Visit the IMDB page:

Released Oct 31st 2023, from Eibon Films and 3R Films / DRTV (

  • Producers Lee Bailes, Darwin Reina and Terese Winkler.
  • Starring: Darwin Reina and Sofie Klaesson; 
  • Written, Directed and Edited by Lee Bailes
  • Music score by Flora Cheng
  • Sound Design by Luca De Sensi
  • Colour grading by Eric Lau
  • Supporting cast / extras: Jaba Urotadze, Terese Winkler and Susanne Lager, Gabriel Palenque Cisternas and Rinat Iljin,
  • Special FX by Mike Strick and Lee Bailes
  • VFX by Albin Larsson
  • Additional music by Peter Josefsson
  • Poster by Karen Keslen
  • Special thanks to: Alon Young, Garry Charles, Carlos Marambio, Gabriel Palenque Cisternas and Susanne Lager


Watch teaser trailer on Vimeo – best quality
Watch the teaser trailer on YouTube
Watch the short film MR CLEAN on YouTube
Watch MR CLEAN on Vimeo – better quality


MR CLEAN is a collaboration between two independent filmmakers in Sweden, and their globally colocated team of enthusiastic cast and crew (In Sweden, the UK, Italy and USA). The intention was to see if two foreigners, could try and create a filmmaking collective, despite a lack of contacts and being ignored by the local established filmmaking scene. 

Shot in November 2018, as a fun project for two filmmakers to make their first film together in Sweden, it has since garnered enough interest to make it worthy for consideration for a web series (which has been scripted).

The film was shot on the GH5, in 4K, in Vlog 10-bit, predominantly using the Sigma 18-35 lens – for those gear heads who want to know – over a 4 day period. The film was finally colour graded and finished on Feb 9th 2020.

Read the shoot diary:

Festival selections & Awards: